Please see the school committee policy below:

See A-20 for School Committee Policies

Students are strongly encouraged not to bring iPods, CD players, stereos, video games, cell phones, or similar items to school because they disrupt the educational process. [The exception to this rule would be in the event that a teacher allows students to use personal electronic devices to access the internet for academic purposes.] Light Pens or Laser Lights are not allowed in school for safety reasons. Personal items such as these if brought to school are the sole responsibility of the student. Any cell phones or iPods brought to school by students are to be kept OFF and in students’ book bags or lockers during the school day. Students may NOT use cell phones during the school day to send or receive calls, send or receive text messages, or take photographs or videos (including the bus ride). Cell phones may only be used before and after school hours. Any cell phone or iPod found to be visible or in use during the school day, except for academic reasons as directed by a teacher, will be confiscated and brought to the office for safekeeping. A warning will be given to first-time offenders and the phone returned at the end of the day. A second offense will result in confiscation and the device will only be released to a parent or guardian. A third offense will result in suspension and the device will only be released to a parent or guardian. If these items are lost, damaged, or stolen, the sole responsibility for addressing these circumstances belongs to the student and parent.